
From: Stuart Norris [] Men

Last night when you all had left I was very worried that some of you would go out into the real world and when faced with a situation that made you angry you would go through the process you were taught last night. Before I found the MKP, my anger would often turn to rage, I would shout and swear, as I had learnt this helped me win battles (how wrong was I). After joining MKP and working on my anger, this was one of the biggest changes in my life, I learnt to break away from a confrontation, Mentally release my energy and go back and face the cause of my anger with a very calm attitude, no swearing, no raising of my voice, in fact by being gentle and kind. The result of the these changes were incredible, suddenly the person or persons I was having a confrontation with would listen to me, see my side of the story and thus the real battles were one.

Please read this teaching below

"Anger is a powerful emotion, and if used properly, a source of valuable energy. Energy that a New Warrior can access and use in a safe, positive way. The first step in accessing anger energy is to own the feeling, experience the anger. If we have any national fault it is hiding our own anger from ourselves

Men get angry for a variety of reasons. Three common ones are 1) a man's needs not being met, being disrespected, 2) as a protective response to something that appears to be harmful, 3) as a protective response to someone that appears to be harmful, the fight or flight response.

Men present their feelings of anger in many ways. Some do not act on their anger, striving to hide it or in some way cut themselves off from owning their angry feelings. If a man is not connected to his anger it will present itself in some other way, coming out sideways not straight ahead. Both anger and fear can be a gateway emotion. Sometimes anger masks fear, and sometimes fear masks anger. Under many bullies there lurks a coward, and under many cowards there is a bully in waiting. Others act out their anger, in words and actions. When done as often as needed, and in a straight, clean way. The man has clear solid boundaries in place, and can learn to use the energy of anger to his advantage and still keep those around him safe. When a man expresses anger only as a last resort, when he represses and stuffs it until it explodes the anger becomes rage and shows itself in a sideways, unhealthy way, with no clear boundaries.

A healthy, angry man speaks his mind in a clean, appropriate, manner, keeping those around him safe by using clear, obvious boundaries around his anger. A rageful man unloads without thinking on those around him, terrorizing and wounding with his power and lack of boundaries. This is a crucial difference between the wildman and the savage. A wildman is connected to his power; his anger serves him and his village making it a stronger more honest place to live. The savage is also connected to his power and anger; but he serves it, and it will force the village to live in fear and shadow, manipulated by sideways attacks and hidden agendas, ultimately destroying any safety for him or his village. It will be a very dangerous place to try to survive in."

Much Love and Blessings Stuart